Professionalism Tip: Spellcheck!!!

For the love of God, please use spellcheck. You are operating a business. And in our social media driven world, every post you put out there for the world to see is like a monument sign in front of a brick and mortar store. We’ve all seen the pictures, businesses that put the wrong person in charge of climbing a ladder, pushing flimsy plastic into slots, misspelling the message- or piecing together a message because they can’t find all the letters in the crazy disorganized plastic bin of vinyl letters. This is what I think of every time I see a consultant- or future consultant – misspell or murder grammar in a post. Just because it makes sense to you, it is not going to make sense to every person in the *statistic about how long people look at a social media post before moving on* seconds they are going to glance at your post. Yup, that’s it. *time* seconds is all you have to make enough of an impression on someone so that they finish reading the post, click on your page, album, etc. That’s engagement. That’s the goal. 
Why would you risk losing a potential customer and their lifelong business with poor spelling and/or grammar? I get it, yes, you have to know you’re spelling something wrong to know you have to fix it- and maybe they don’t know the English language like they should. *Pardon me, let me just eat this piece of chocolate and calm down a bit* But in my experience, if you suck at spelling you know it. AnD I’m not saying it’s a bad thing- as long as you use your resources! If you’re using Chrome on a computer, it will spellcheck for you. (This should be a default setting.) If you’re going to use social media apps on your phone, they don’t spell check automatically. So download Word on your phone and get in the habit of typing everything in there first! Or have a nearby friend look the post over before hitting the send button. 
The most common word I’m seeing misspelled: Queue. It is not que- that’s Spanish for “what”. Yes, queue is a funny word and it makes sense for people to misspell it occasionally. But when you’re considered ‘in the queue’ you’ll be saying it A LOT. You’ll be hash tagging with it (#lulaqueue #queue) and posting all over your social media pages using the word- personal and social. And then once you’re a consultant you might want to bring some people into the LuLaRoe family and you’ll need to explain the queue to them. Do yourself and any future LuLaBabies a favor- learn how to spell this word! 


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