Queue Club Mondays- Use Your Full Name!

LuLaRoe has a special, dedicated training call for all members of the Queue Club (anyone in the queue). They talk about a lot of things that they want people to focus on while they are in the queue and the call is usually extremely inspiring. I always feel super focused and motivated after listening to these calls, so I love that they are on Mondays- I have a reason to look forward to them!
As you may have heard, you have the opportunity to be onboarded EARLY if you are on these Queue Club calls. Jordan, who usually hosts the calls, usually onboards 5 queubies each week. There are times that they are unable to onboard anyone (if they have prerecorded the call, like last week's call, they can't pick anyone live) so they usually group that number into the next week- today, Jordan is going to pick 10 people to onboard early!

These Queue Club calls are hosted with a program called Zoom. When you open the link for the call (when you sign up with LuLaRoe you will also sign up for Queue Club emails and you will get emails with the call links) Zoom will ask you to login. You need to make sure you enter your FULL name- first and last- as well as your email. This way, if you are lucky enough to get picked for early onboarding they can find your paperwork and know how to contact you.
If you're not putting your full name and email in, you are hindering your own opportunities- you want to get picked early, don't you? Can't happen if you don't fill everything out!


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