Legging Storage- Option #1

There are sooooo many different ways to store inventory. I'll gather my favorites here on the blog to share!

This particular way to store leggings was the most popular when I onboarded and it's what I chose to start with. ROLLED AND TIED.
1. Fold leggings in half.
2. Fold leggings in thirds.
3. Roll
4. Tie with elastic hair band
5. Insert tag in band

Easy, right? Quick. People can still touch them, feel the buttery softness, see the pattern. You're not looking through crinkly plastic- the noise, the way they crease and make it difficult to see colors through them.
For my launch I didn't have the ties yet, just went with folded. Holy mess! So I bought the ties and loved how much better they looked than simply folded. I didn't go fancy, I did a solid black- lets not take away from the legging print just to have cute ties ladies. These are the ones I ordered:
I got them for about $9.99 usually, but the price did fluctuate. Don't pay more than $12 for 100!
It's really time consuming to roll and tie almost 100 in each size, but I was happy with the results. I used large plastic totes to keep the leggings in, one for each size.

Cons to this method:

  • some consultants say putting the tag in the tie puts you at risk for holes in the leggings. I have not had any issues to date (4 months in)
  • the tags do NOT stay (in fact my bunny likes to pull them out and run off to eat the tag...)
  • rolled leggings are fairly bulky and you cannot take EVERYTHING with you for in-homes- or at least I can't. And if you don't take something, it doesn't sell and someone always seems to be looking for exactly what I left at home!
This method has worked so far, but I will be changing- likely to a bagging system (future post). 


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