"Top Secret" Thursday #2

When I was "just" a shopper, I wanted to know more about the company but would never have asked anyone. I didn't want to be on the hook with someone pushing me to be a consultant. Yes, those kinds of consultants exist, but I was very lucky with who I chose to be a sponsor. And, I had really already made up my mind when I finally asked about joining :)
But anyways, I decided to be very open with my customers about what I was facing as a retailer. How the company worked, what my struggles were and what made it so fun. This really helped me out around special edition capsule time (like the V-Day release that I decided to opt out on, so glad I did that! Possible future post there!). Every once in a while something would come up and I would want to share so I did- but it was never something I scheduled. That has now changed- I paid for the big Cinchshare subscription and wasn't putting it to best use, needed to change that! (another future post :) ) Enter "Top Secret" Thursdays! Here is my second scheduled one:

"Top Secret" Thursday! Here's your weekly peek into the world of a LuLaRoe retailer. Ever been curious about the opportunity? Just want to know more about how this awesome company works for the heck of it? Read on LuLaLovers!
This is a little glimpse into my struggles of making outfits! Yes, sometimes its a struggle. The print is fantastic but what do I pair with it?!? Other times it's like a bolt of lightening- I know instantly that I have something to pair it with. So know I work hard to make appealing outfits :)


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