"Top Secret" Thursday #1

When I was "just" a shopper, I wanted to know more about the company but would never have asked anyone. I didn't want to be on the hook with someone pushing me to be a consultant. Yes, those kinds of consultants exist, but I was very lucky with who I chose to be a sponsor. And, I had really already made up my mind when I finally asked about joining :)
But anyways, I decided to be very open with my customers about what I was facing as a retailer. How the company worked, what my struggles were and what made it so fun. This really helped me out around special edition capsule time (like the V-Day release that I decided to opt out on, so glad I did that! Possible future post there!). Every once in a while something would come up and I would want to share so I did- but it was never something I scheduled. That has now changed- I paid for the big Cinchshare subscription and wasn't putting it to best use, needed to change that! (another future post :) ) Enter "Top Secret" Thursdays! Here is my first scheduled one:

"Top Secret" Thursday! Here's your weekly peek into the world of a LuLaRoe retailer. Ever been curious about the opportunity? Just want to know more about how this awesome company works for the heck of it? Read on LuLaLovers!
The picture below is a picture of one of our warehouses. Pieces are organized by style and size and stored in plastic bins- yes, like the underbed storage bins from a big box store! These are all bins waiting to be brought to the "order pickers". A box rolls past the "pickers" with the details of what was ordered by the consultant. The "Picker" reaches into the bin and pulls the number of the item requested- they don't have time to pick us "good" items or make sure there are no duplicates. Our pieces are in high demand and we want our orders PRONTO! :) To make sure that we get a good variety to offer our customers, we need to order small batches of a style and size. This is why it can take some time to build up a style.
Hope you found this little peek into this Retailer's world interesting, happy Thursday everyone!


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