LuLaRoe- Walking Advertising Method

I have a really hard time approaching people so I've been searching for a way to get them to approach me- beyond just wearing the clothes. I wanted something that shouted "STOP ME I"M CARRYING LEGGINGS".  There's a brand of bags tailored to direct sales (Luci Bags) but I can't do $80 for a bag that may not shout it loud enough for me. Finally stumbled on the right keyword search this morning- "clear tote bag". So simple- I was complicating my search! I ordered this one:

I'm going to fill it with leggings for giveaway, business cards with legging swatches attached, a list of styles, some LuLaCa$h and maybe some other things I haven't thought of yet. One side will have a 'sign' that says, in some way, "Stop me for leggings" I may share this graphic in a future post too :) 

For my readers: what kind of things would you like to see if you ran into a LuLaRoe consultant "In the Wild"? What kinds of freebies? Would you want samples of a unique piece carried around so you could see in person?
Let me know! Help me fill my advertising bag!
