Necessary Accessory for LuLaRoe Boutique Owners

This is one item that some people call a 'luxury' item- a tagging gun. Is it vital? You'll lose profits without it? Not completely. But you could lose some profits.
Scenario: You're lugging clothes from your LuLaRoom, outside, shoving in your car (packing it as tight as it will go- can't sell what doesn't go!), pulling the bags out at your customer's house, pulling clothes out of the bag, hanging them up, customers go through them multiple times (hopefully you have lots of customers racing through your inventory!), you pack everything up, stuff in your car again, lug inside your house, take out of backs and re-store.

You really think you didn't lose any tags in that entire process? Those tags tangle like a son-of-a-***** and you really think they weren't tangled when your customers were moving the hangers around? You think you'll never have a tag hang out of transport bag, never have it get shut in a car door? Never have little kids at a pop up, running through your racks? Sheer and lacy Lindsay and Monroe have delicate fabric that the tags can easily just slip off. (That happened to me once when I took one out of the bag from the warehouse!)

What I'm trying to say is, the tags fall off. They just do, sometimes there's nothing you can do to prevent it. So now the tag is off, you can't tape it or staple it to the clothes. You can't sell it at full retail because it doesn't have a tag- how do they know it wasn't a worn return? Spend the $12 and get a tagging gun and tag inserts. Less of a headache by far!

So now you've decided yes, you need a tagging gun. You smartie, you ;) So which one do you get? I strongly recommend a fine fabric gun. They'll be a little more expensive, yes. But sooooo many LuLaRoe items are considered fine fabric. Lindsay. Monroe. Irma. Julia. Classic. Cassie. Maxi. It all depends on the fabric blend they come in! I got a fine fabric one and have not regretted it one bit. This is the particular one I purchased:
SSW Economy Fine Fabric Tagging Guns
Found here:

It's their economy version, it's worked perfectly fine for months and is tagging just as well as the first punch! I am so glad I got the tagging gun!


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