"Top Secret" Thursday #5

"Top Secret" Thursday! Here's your weekly peek into the world of a LuLaRoe retailer. Ever been curious about the opportunity? Just want to know more about how this awesome company works for the heck of it? Read on LuLaLovers!
Did you know that some of our clothes are made in the USA? It used to be most of the clothes were US made, but then we exploded with company growth! As of June 2016 we had 11 factories just in LA, with more factories in EIGHT different countries! LuLaRoe partners with great companies in those countries that share our values (aka people are more important than profits) and each employee is paid a fair wage. (Including time and half overtime!) We've kept those factories very busy because of how much we're selling- sometimes they can't keep up! LuLaRoe is not only changing lives here in the US, they are also changing lives in every country that they do business in <3

"Top Secret" Thursday! Here's your weekly peek into the world of a LuLaRoe retailer. Ever been curious about the opportunity? Just want to know more about how this awesome company works for the heck of it? Read on LuLaLovers!
Did you know that some of our clothes are made in the USA? It used to be most of the clothes were US made, but then we exploded with company growth! As of June 2016 we had 11 factories just in LA, with more factories in EIGHT different countries! LuLaRoe partners with great companies in those countries that share our values (aka people are more important than profits) and each employee is paid a fair wage. (Including time and half overtime!) We've kept those factories very busy because of how much we're selling- sometimes they can't keep up! LuLaRoe is not only changing lives here in the US, they are also changing lives in every country that they do business in <3
